Civilización China

La cultura china se ha desarrollado a lo largo de miles de años aportando al mundo una gran cantidad de inventos desde el papel, la imprenta, la tinta, la pólvora, la seda entre muchos otros inventos. En el ámbito filosófico su aportación ha sido trascendental. Geográficamente China se encuentra  ubicada Leer más…

Basic Stuff

Hallo, today´s class will be about computer science and about advertisement.Have you ever thought about studying something related with computer science? With a degree in a field of computer science you would have great job opportunities. Hallo, today´s class will be about computer science and about advertisement.Have you ever thought Leer más…

Mass media

Hey, we reached unit 2. This unit will be about media. During the first lesson we speak about mass media. We all use media and certainly we are all influenced by the big media like television, radio and newspaper.How much time do you spend daily using media? Do you believe Leer más…