
A part of this lesson deals with intensifiers and downtoners (also called diminishers). These are used a lot in English language. You can check any movie, song or book written in English and you are sure to find a fair share of them. To get a good idea on which Leer más…

Willing to try.

The second lesson in English 5 talks about past tenses. The entire class is a big review of simple past, past progressive, past perfect and past perfect continuous. You won’t find detailed explanations because it is a topic that has been explained to you in previous English courses. The class Leer más…

I think…I think.

This is a brief introduction to the topics you are going to work with in the first lesson. It is about the present tenses. As you will see, there are four basic present tenses in English. Read carefully and answer the questions at the end. The information was taken from:  Leer más…