Welcome to this blog. During today´s class we are going to learn about the purpose and tone of texts. Every writer has a purpose to write. Whether it´s for somebody else of for himself. Someone can write to give information, to influence, to entertain, or just for fun. I often write notes so I don´t forget things. What I want to say is, that there is always a purpose to write, even if the writer says something like “I just like to write.” the purpose is the fun or joy.
As there is always a purpose, there is also always a tone. The tone is the attitude the author has towards the topic. And even if the author doesn´t know that he uses a special tone, he will use a tone. An example are specialized texts or scientific texts, they also have a tone, normally an objective tone.
Let me show you a video showing the relation between purpose and attitude.
That was interesting, wasn´t it? So in general the tone of a text depends strongly on the purpose of the text. If everything is clear, please get ready to answer some questions and later to start the class.
GMAT Prep – Verbal – Reading Comprehension – Authors’ Attitudes by Knewton [videograbación en línea]. 2008. [fecha de consulta: 26 de 12 2013].
Disponible en: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-B_ONJIEcE
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