A disposition to act in a certain way (good or bad) is a habit. We can develop good habits like reading a book or going to the gym, following seven “easy” steps, recommended by American motivational author, Brian Tracy.

-First, make a decision: Decide what you want to achieve and when. Example: If you want to exercise 1 hour daily, decide at what time you will do it (in the morning, after school, etc.) and where (the gym, your house, a park, etc.).

-Second, never allow an exception: Don’t invent excuses or rationalize it (I’ll start tomorrow, it’s raining, etc.)

-Third, tell others: You will be more disciplined if you know other people are watching you.

-Fourth, visualize yourself: Imagine yourself performing that habit, in that way your subconscious mind will accept it.

-Fifth, create an affirmation: You must repeat and repeat it. This repetition will increase the speed at which you develop the habit. Example: “I will go to the gym at 5pm and work for 1 hour”.

-Sixth, resolve to persist: Even you feel uncomfortable, don’t stop doing it.

-Seventh, give yourself a reward: Each time you receive a reward, you reaffirm the behavior. Example: If you assist all the week to the gym, you can buy yourself a new shirt.

Remember, the repetition is the key for a habit, good luck! Now we will go to our practice class 2.

For more information, you check this website:[En línea] Seven steps to developing a new habit [20 de diciembre 2013]
Disponible en: http://www.briantracy.com/blog/personal-success/seven-steps-to-developing-a-new-habit/

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